Friday, October 29, 2010

Father and Daughter

          In "The Road" the main bond and relationship expressed is the relationship between Father and son. They both care deeply about each other even though they both feel as if they are not really sure what the other person is thinking. The lack of understanding they have of each other makes their relationship more distant but their dependency for each other keeps them together. They are each other's world and they must trust each other and work together in order to survive and keep existing in this bleak post apocalypse world they live in.           My father and I have a similar relationship to the father and son in which I do tend to trust and lean on my Dad more than my Mom. My Dad and I aren’t big communicators but we have a trust and respect foundation the same way the man and son do. We do not feel like we need to express everything we feel and think in the moment but at the end of the day I know we can depend on each other in case of anything. My mother and I have a good relationship as well, one in which communication plays a greater role. This differs from the boy and his mother’s relationship in which the mother abandoned them because her love for her son was too great to watch him suffer. Because of the abandonment though, the boy probably feels as there is no trust or connection between his mother and him.


  1. This is a very interesting perspective on the relationships in The Road. I like how you tied this into your personal relationships.

  2. Do you think that the mother abandoned the boy and father out of love or is it because she couldn't bear to see them die? in other words, do you think she was selfish in the sense that she didn't want to be there with them even in the roughest times?

  3. you did a good job of using the road for examples of father son relationships

  4. The father and the son are kind of distant, but, I mean, they are also so very close in a way that can't be explained just by their dependency on each other.

  5. You picked to read this in class! :D

  6. I like the compare and contrast of your personal life and the Road.

  7. Stephen, I personally thought that she could not bear to see them die because of her love. I'm not sure if it's so much of being selfish as to being a coward.
