Friday, October 15, 2010

Our Meaning

            Our meaning is something important to us. If we were to not have meaning then there would be no reason to live on. Our meaning defines not only who we are but who we were and who we aspire to be as well. Everybody has different things that add on to their meaning. Religion is one of them. Most people base their meaning on this world from their religion. Many religions say that humans’ meaning on this world is to help others and save ourselves from sins and whatnot. Others believe that our meaning is to merely reproduce and just continue on living in this world. Whatever meaning we give to ourselves, it’s something personal and valuable to us. It changes the way we view our surroundings, our environment, and our world.
            For me, our meaning is to enjoy everything we are given as much as possible. We are given the greatest gift of all: time. Time is something extremely valuable because once it’s gone, it’s gone. You cannot regain lost time as the saying goes. By being able to say that we have appreciated and enjoyed every last second we were given is to say that we have lived up to our meaning. Our meaning is not to live self consciously and doing what others perceive as normal but to do things that we are really passionate about and giving it our all.


  1. I like how you put the topic into a past present and future, very nice

  2. "Our meaning is not to live self consciously and doing what others perceive as normal but to do things that we are really passionate about and giving it our all."
    This inspires me.

  3. I'm glad I've been able to inspire someone :D
