Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Direction the Class Needs

       The first thing that popped into my head when what type of direction a classroom needs I started thinking about literally going towards somewhere north, south, west, or east. This random thought eventually turned into a rational idea. I started thinking how it would be pretty cool if classes were more broad when it came to its environment. The worst part about the word classroom is room. The fact that it confines you to only one certain area and space is its downfall. A class should be able to be outside, inside, in between wherever it best fits. If I’m learning about the environment, I don’t understand why I can’t go outside and see it myself with my own eyes instead of turning pages and writing a paper based off what I’m reading. It’s not just about being more hands on but also about being more open minded to what a class can be. A class does not have to just consist of fifty minutes in a room but it can also expand into spending fifty minutes walking in a neighborhood, taking photos, analyzing your environment, etc. By doing this, a class will have more of an appeal and more importantly, it might actually become something to look forward to.

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