Thursday, October 7, 2010

God in 2010

     In a society where everything seems to derive from cold hard facts and evidence, God is something that remains based off of abstract values and faith. It is something that greatly varies from person to person. It is easy to see that God in society has been one of the greatest controversies of the world and remains as one today.
     From the beginning of civilization and in other words, society, has been fighting over what perspective they have on God. While some see him as Jehovah, others see him as Jesus. The lack of compromise over how to define God has led to millions of lives lost and even more beliefs. In society today, the trend of atheists is slowly increasing and while I have nothing against religious pluralism, I do think that believing in something greater or higher to live for is healthy. Without it, it makes life pointless since in the end death is death and why work so hard for death?
     God in 2010 in essence is still the same as it has been for centuries long. God is something elusive and in a way, ethereal which people up to this day cannot completely agree on a right justified definition for.

1 comment:

  1. " Without it, it makes life pointless since in the end death is death and why work so hard for death?"
