Friday, April 8, 2011


In the world, there are a lot of invisible things. Not because they’re physically invisible but just because people are not aware that these events are happening around the world. A good example is when we went to go see the Invisible Children presentation because many high school students are not aware that there are children that are younger than them are going through abductions and whatnot. Most of the time, things are invisible because we don’t take the time to go out of ways to see the poverty, crime, and other negative things that exist in the world just because we don’t feel like stepping out of our comfortable box. If more people became aware of invisible things, both good and bad, then our world really would be more peaceful and beautiful and all that good stuff. Many people don’t know all the good things that are a part of our world. For me personally, I’m trying to be more open minded towards things I’ve ignored before whether it be in big ways such as going to the Galapagos Islands and appreciating its beauty that few people get to experience or in smaller ways like realizing how pretty the sunset looks today or tomorrow or any day as cheesy as that sounds.


  1. Sure is a nice sunset right now, at 11:12 AM

  2. Why does the timestamp for that comment say 9:13? D: Wrong timezone, blogspot!
