Friday, December 3, 2010

Sports In My Life

Right now sports do not play much of a role in my life. The most it has played in my life recently is watching a good old soccer game or boxing match with my Dad. My form of exercise I guess you could say comes more from recreational hobbies such as jogging or biking instead of sports. When I was about five, my parents were set on making me a join ballet because in their mind, that was the best type of "sport" a girl could do at such a young age. It would help fulfill their prophecy of making me as girly as possible. Eventually, I was able to convince my parents that swimming was more of my thing and at six years old I was set to go in the shallow end. To be honest, that was the most I’ve ever enjoyed playing a sport, it was something that could be competitive yet fun when you wanted it to be. I stopped practicing swim at around nine years old because the practices were not fitting into my schedule and I had a gap of sports in my life until middle school. My parents were telling me that playing a sport was something not exactly necessary but extremely beneficial and after a lot of pressure, I joined the volleyball team. I never hated volleyball; I just always felt that my parents were much more into it than I was which wasn’t what happened with swimming. After middle school, I decided that sports weren’t my favorite way of exercising but that doesn’t mean I’m sedentary. In fact, I enjoy a jog or bike ride with my Dad most Saturday or Sunday mornings.

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