Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Poem (Haiku)

Snowflakes falling on
the ground, Christmas carols sung
Winter has begun

Friday, December 10, 2010


       I have always subconsciously known that globalization played a huge role in my life but I never really gave it much thought. Everything that goes on in my life has in one way or another been affected by globalization. Not only business but politics and culture as well are becoming more and more globalized as technology advances. When you think about it, if it weren’t for all the industrial development and technological advances then globalization would not be such a huge trend as it is today. For example, the telephone and computer has made communication with people across the world as easy as communicating with someone who lives underneath the same household. Because of such easy communication, things such as politics and the economy are not only affected by what happens locally but more importantly, by what happens around the world. During the 1800s, receiving news of presidents’ choices and other political affairs would take months. Today someone can just log on to the Internet and find out something that was announced five minutes ago or even less. Even though globalization has many benefits such as being more connected and aware of global events and happenings, it does have its downsides. 
         Globalization has increased many disturbing trends such as child labor and sweat shops. Many of the products used nowadays come from across the country or even across the world since people get more profit from production in countries such as China and India than in the Unites States. The reason why it’s cheaper though can be pretty disturbing though. Most of the time the labor that goes behind the products used is illegal or at least should be. Many children slave away for up to sixteen hours at a time, trying to make a meager amount of money to support their families. I know that globalization has defects that should be fixed but the question in the end is if we would rather stay ignorant and living in bliss or if we want to open our eyes and realize the damage we are during to our future generations.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sports In My Life

Right now sports do not play much of a role in my life. The most it has played in my life recently is watching a good old soccer game or boxing match with my Dad. My form of exercise I guess you could say comes more from recreational hobbies such as jogging or biking instead of sports. When I was about five, my parents were set on making me a join ballet because in their mind, that was the best type of "sport" a girl could do at such a young age. It would help fulfill their prophecy of making me as girly as possible. Eventually, I was able to convince my parents that swimming was more of my thing and at six years old I was set to go in the shallow end. To be honest, that was the most I’ve ever enjoyed playing a sport, it was something that could be competitive yet fun when you wanted it to be. I stopped practicing swim at around nine years old because the practices were not fitting into my schedule and I had a gap of sports in my life until middle school. My parents were telling me that playing a sport was something not exactly necessary but extremely beneficial and after a lot of pressure, I joined the volleyball team. I never hated volleyball; I just always felt that my parents were much more into it than I was which wasn’t what happened with swimming. After middle school, I decided that sports weren’t my favorite way of exercising but that doesn’t mean I’m sedentary. In fact, I enjoy a jog or bike ride with my Dad most Saturday or Sunday mornings.