Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Unexamined Life

       Everyone at one point in their lives has asked themselves an important question such as what do I want to do when I grow up? What path do I want to take? I believe that humans subconsciously examine their lives whether they like to or not. Examining your life is something essential in life, without it you really don’t get a grip of where you are in life and where you are going.

       Socrates came up with this belief that if you never question yourself then you’ll never truly be happy. This is true because if you never ask yourself every once in a while about your wants and needs then it is worthless to live. Everyone wants a reason to live and reason to be on this earth, the reason in other words is the point of life. If you just go about your day to day life without every wondering about yourself or your surroundings even if you are happy, it still is worthless.

       Many people waste their whole lives living without meaning, mostly because they are too scared of being judged or criticized for taking a different path. They would rather live in a bubble that their surroundings have molded them into and live in a supposedly “content” life. Many people think that if they have money, health, and a pretty white picket fence surrounding their house that they are living in bliss. Really though, they are living on what society has defined as bliss. If they would analyze and evaluate their lives, they will probably realize that the life they’re living is based on other peoples’ ideas and principles, not their own. That is a worthless life because a valuable life is one in which you live for your wants and happiness, not others.

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